Global Infotech Website Design Solutions
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The size of an organization does not matter when it comes to adding content onto a company website. You need to get your content and information to your target to help them understand the nature of your business and the services that you offer.

Be it forms, PDF files, Directory services, Online/offline files, Database data entry, we handle everything to assist you in the smooth functioning of your business.

Companies usually do not have the time or the manpower to do data entry works such as these. Choosing us at Global Infotech Solutions will ensure that all your data and information be it pictures, statistics or text is entered in a clean and organized manner, leaving you free to concentrate on more important core business activities.

We provide data entry services using the latest word processing and office software available to produce quality work, all at reasonable prices!

Our Data Entry services includes:

  • Data Entry of Email address from other websites
  • Data Entry - Yellow Pages and White Pages Keying
  • Product Catalogue, OsCommerce Data Entry
  • Image Entry
  • Data Entry and compilation from Web site
  • Data Capture / Collection
  • Data Entry for Mailing List/Mailing Label.
  • Web and Mailing list research.
  • Copy, Paste, Editing, sorting, Indexing Data in to any format.
  • Different type of Data Conversion
  • Any other type of data entry work

For more information about Global Infotech Data Entry Services, please Contact Us for a free Quote today!

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We have been very happy to work with GIS for many of our website designing projects. We would strongly recommend their company for those who are looking for quality output and extremely friendly staff, who incorporated all our last minute changes.

Michael Carty , USA
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